Mission & Vision
We know that the world around us is changing and that people are looking for leadership to help them navigate the days ahead. In the past, the Western church has demonstrated an over-dependance on systems and strategies from the kingdoms of this world to try and meet the demands of ministering to our culture, even though the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.

At TRC, we understand that the kingdoms of this world offer no solutions for supernatural people. But in spite of this, we have comfort in knowing that Jesus is building His church to weather any storm and stand in the face of any challenge or uncertainty. We believe that in order to go forward, the church must go back to its roots and build on apostolic foundations. Join us as we look to Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, to reveal His blueprint and model for what He intends His church to become.

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Acts 2:42
Our Core Values
In this new era, it can be difficult to find rest for our souls. Changes to our way of life that would normally evolve over decades are now happening over the span of a few months. Yet none of this is a surprise to Jesus.
We believe that peace is not simply a condition or a state of mind, but an experience with the risen Christ, the Prince of Peace. As we return to the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls, we find unshakeable peace even in times of uncertainty.
We are saved by grace through Jesus Christ and His great kindness gently leads us to repentance. While there is a difference between grace and holiness, we are not expected to choose between them, but to pursue holiness through the grace of God.
This inspires us to pursue a life-long path of discipleship as the Word and the Spirit transform us into the image of Christ. Along the way we rejoice in His grace and stand in awe of His glory.
Every believer has at least one spiritual gift. God has given these gifts so that every believer will have a role in building up the church and preparing the bride for Christ’s return.
One of our primary goals is to help believers identify their gifts, train them in these gifts and then release them to minister in these areas. Not only does this minister to the body, it also brings the believer into greater fellowship with the Lord as they discover the works He has prepared beforehand for them to walk in.
Jesus commands us to go. We believe that practical evangelism has been a low-level priority in the Western church for too long. We have a mandate from Jesus, the Head of the church, to preach the good news of His kingdom to a lost and broken world. It’s time for the church to pursue evangelism over efficiency and salvation over systems.
At TRC we meet in-person at our primary location, online and in home fellowships. We invite you to join us and build community wherever people gather to look for answers in Jesus.
Community Groups
TRC Community Groups are designed to give us deeper relationships with one another. At TRC we desire to become like the first century church that brings people together from all walks of life into the family of God.
We offer various groups based on life stage, as well as prayer groups, and prophetic roundtables.
We also have TRC Hubs. These are home groups that meet to deepen our community. For more information or to join a HUB email us.
Action Groups
We believe everyone has been equipped by God with unique gifts and passions. At TRC you will find a variety of opportunities to serve God, the church body, and our local community, all while walking in your calling. Examples of our Action Groups include Joseph’s Pantry, Worship, Media, TRC Kids and more.
Not sure where to serve? We would love to help you decide!